Letterhead in Report


Active Member
There was a thread on here a little earlier about placing a letterhead in a
report (.bmp or .jpg). Someone mentioned using the program font creator 3.0
(Shareware) which I downloaded and have played with it for a little bit. I
can't load the letterhead as a 'character' though without it getting all
distorted. There are a number of settings on the load tab, but I don't know
how to set it up. Does anyone have experience with this program and some
settings I can try to load the letterhead so it does not get all distorted?


John Gersic
Financial Systems DBA
PH: 703.744-6057
1861 International Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
Microstrategy - Best in Business Intelligence
http://www.microstrategy.com/ <http://www.microstrategy.com/>
Two choises: Get a higher resolution BMP file, or take the .BMP image and use the character creation in font creator to trace vector outlines that will scale properly (this is how logo fonts are usually created, and can be a tedious process. Many places on the net will make you a logo font for not too much money, and probably will use Macromedia Fontographer, which does a better job creating fonts anyway.)

Good luck!
--seg (back from vacation)
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