Leave Availability Calculation (Validate PTO Availability -B0701260)



Can any one explain how the business function (B0701260 - calculates the available leave balances?)
And what set ups it is checking?
Is there any documentation related to this?

We are passing the below parameters to this business function.

| | "0" -> cMode [EV01]
| | Blank <- cLeaveBalance [EV02]
| | Null-> cSourceTable [EV03]
| | 1201 -> mnAddressNumber [AN8]
| | "S" -> szLeaveType [LTTP]
| | 804 -> mnPayDeductBenAccType [PDBA]
| | 2 <- cReturncode [EV04]
| | 13595 -> mnJobnumberA [JOBS]
| | 8 -> mnHoursRequested [PHRW]
| | STD -> szLeaveVerificationSet [LVVS]
| | 0 <- BF mnHoursAvailable
| | 0 <- BF mnHoursAccrued
| | 0 <- BF mnHoursBegBal
| | 07AH <- szLeaveBalanceError [DTAI]
| | Blank <- szPartialDaysError [DTAI]
| | 0 <- mnResultingBalance [MATH01]
| | 0 <- mnCurrentBalance [MATH01]
| | 0 <- mnTimeTaken [MATH01]
| | null -> cPartialDayRequest [EV01]
From another post i got an answer saying "Leave balances (available) take into consideration the beginning balance+accrued-taken for each accrual and benefit accrual code (STD) value"

But they didn't mention the tables it look into or the selection criteria.
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