E9.2 Learning Resources for JRuby



Can someone please help me with learning resources for JRuby? I have just started with a bit of Groovy, but, trying to learn Ruby as well.

There are a number of good resources for Ruby, but where I find people run into trouble is when they search for something they want to do in Ruby and find an answer that uses Ruby on Rails. Make sure you avoid Rails solutions/tutorials when searching for material as these won't work in orchestrator. The other thing to consider is that Ruby (and scripting in general) in orchestrator is not used for building full-blown applications, but in specific components such as Custom Requests, Rules, Connectors, and manipulating orchestration output. Most of this is basic string, math, and date manipulation, along with parsing, manipulating, and creating JSON objects. The template code in each of those UDO is a good place to start. Particularly for how to get access inputs and return outputs.

To get a feel for the syntax, https://www.tutorialspoint.com/ruby/ruby_syntax.htm isn't bad. There is also https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/. OpenAI will also generate code that can be adapted for Orchestration.

I think the best thing to do is to start using it, and google as you go.

I think the best thing to do is to start using it, and google as you go.
This-- or you can "superpower your googling" by using chatGPT. ChatGPT writes good code in my experience, and it annotates with descriptive comments so that if you go through the code it generates, you can't help but learn.

(I really will make this a conference presentation soon)
There are a lot of web resources, I started a youtube course (in spanish in my case), in youtube has a lot of complete course, looking by google and official documentation https://www.jruby.org/documentation

But honesly, for what we need, with basic concepts (I supose we know java), looking by google some doubts or asking chatgpt I thought it's enough 🤓

Best regards.
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