Language Service Packs

What do you mean Language Service Pack? A SP replaces the system, nothing
to do with language!


B732 - ERP8, Unix, a little AS400, Windows, Oracle, SQL, WTS, JAS
I guess he means language packs....
You can order them off JDE/peoplesoft. All the ones I have installed come as
a cd
Kieran Fitzgerald

The langauge stuff comes on the base XE CDs. The changes to the langauge stuff was included in various Updates. There is no specific Laugauge only service packs or ESUs, etc. Your best best is to open a call with GSS and tell them what langauge you are looking for an update on and they can tell you if it was updated and what Update did the trick.

Gregg Larkin
Praxair, Inc.
North American PeopleSoft
Enterprise One System Administrator
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