Keep user created (web only) batch applications


Hello, I am on E811 SP1, Tools 8.96. We have several users that have created custom reports (batch applications). We are going to do several partial builds and then a full package build. I believe that this clears all the web only reports, correct me if I am wrong. Is there a way to retain these web only reports? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Actually, unless Oracle has since fixed web versions, the problem is not fixed by a package build. The problem is that the web-only versions are not treated like standard versions. Once you create them web-only, they are stuck web-only. Web-only versions cannot be check-ed out and cannot be promoted. There was supposedly a convoluted fix for converting it from web-only to standard versions, but it never worked.

There was supposed to be a SAR for this. I think as-of 8.96 M1 the fix had not been delivered. My understanding was that it would probably be included in a post 8.97 SP tools release.
Unless this has since been fixed (since 8.96 D1), I do not believe a package build will fix the web-only version problem. Refer to SAR 8292001.

The problem was the structure of web-only versions themselves. They could not be checked out or in. And they could not be promoted. There was a long, convoluted method of converting them to fat client versions but to the best of my knowledge that never worked.
Web versions work, just not the way you or I might have intended them to.

I'll post some detail later but you can convert Web to Windows versions by simply checking out the version and then checkin it back in.

The Web only flag is not cleared until you generate the web version which usually means a package build.

You also cannot promote a web version until it has been converted to a Windows versions.

You can pretty much automate the whole process of converting the versions with little manual intervention.

I'm using this at 4 new 812 installs and 2 World to 812 migrations.

For upgrades I always use the existing versions and forget the entire web version piece.

As I said I'll post more later.

I'm not going to get in a big debate here. I am not sure what you meant by web versions work, just not the way you and I might like (to paraphrase). So, I will elaborate on my experience.

Most people that have been using JDE prior to the 8.11 releases assume that web versions function just like standard versions in terms of promotions, OT's and design. Typical business users that developed versions in previous versions expect that they will function just like standard versions - only created thru the web interface. When they find out that there is a complicated conversion process to regular versions in order to do OT and design functions, they are not happy. My experience has been, that these people think to themselves "Gosh, I wish I would have just created the regular version with the developer client like I did before".

I would also say that the conversion process, as was documented by Candi Sholes, doesn't work like the document says. Our experience was that nearly all of the web-only versions could not be maintained like standard versions after the conversion.
The web versions are an "after thought" that fit a specific purpose.

The Windows versions can not be changed on the Web, thus the user would have to create the version on the Windows client, check it in and wait for a CNC to build, deploy and generate it to the Web just so they can test it.

Users need to be able to create a version and test right away to see if it solves the business issue.

There is still a large amount of work to be done in converting the Web --> Windows versions but the users and business community get what they need right away and are then not slowed down.

Yes it's true that a lot of people are on older versions of JDE but as of Sept 25% are on 811 with many moving to 812. By this time next year it's estimated that 50% of E1 customers will be on 811 or higher!

For those on older versions who are upgrading but not making major business changes (tech upgrade only) it's recommended that they stick with the Windows versions since they already exist.

For new installs, World Migrations or upgrades with major business changes or functional changes Web versions are the recommendation.

It's unrealistic to expect someone to wait to test a version only to find out that more revisions need to be made. This starts a visious cycle.

The conversion process from Web to Windows versions WORKS. It's not fun, does take some time but after awhile it becomes routine.

I personally don't like Web versions but they give the business what they need.

They were supposed to be "resolved" in 812 but didn't make it in. I'm hoping that for 9.0 all versions share a common set of specs and can be changed from anywhere.

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