JDE Company Number (KCOO)


Well Known Member
We are in the planning stage of a data warehouse, wherein we will combine the sales records of 4 businesses, each with a separate data library. And thus, address book numbers are duplicated within each business. Not a problem for sales (F4211) records as the company numbers are different, and thus sdkcoo||sdan8 is unique. But the Address book does not use company number in any of the files. Has anyone addressed this issue in building a data warehouse and found a way in JDE to define a unique identifier for each customer. Or are we going to have to do this by adding info during the ETL step?

Is your branch/plant (mcu) unique for each company code? Or, can you use an Address Book category code?

Dan Turkeltaub
Dan, yes we have multiple unique BP for each company. Not sure how that helps with the keying the address book records as the BP are not recorded on any of the AB files. What did you have in mind? As for a cat code, thr F0111, F0115, F0116 don't have codes, the F0116 doesn't even have a free field to fake a code into. Looks like for ETL purposes I'll have to add a field to each file as I extract data from it. In retrospect, hindsight being 20-20, I would not have split our business units up into separate libraries as it makes it much more difficult to then manage the global business.
There is a responsible business unit field in A/B. This field can/should be used for the company.
I think Dan is referring to the category codes in the related master files - such as Customer Master and Supplier Master. Technically those category codes are not part of the address book information, but are related to the specific application. In the data warehouse we used, we don't load the address book master into it. We load the supplier master and the customer master. Having said all that, this is something that you will have to handle in the Extract/Load process, in my opinion. Trying to manage this on your own in JDE would be too difficult. You could consider consolidating the address book files into a common library, but you are probably too far down the road to consider that (would involve a conversion of existing data in all libraries) - but certainly an idea to consider. Would have to carefully test that out if you wanted to go that way. Otherwise you are talking about manually assigning numbers, which would seem to be an inefficient process to me. But certainly another option. So some things to consider. Good luck.
John Dickey
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