Item Restrictions at the Ship-To Level



Well Known Member

We would like to restrict the sale of certain items based on the ship-to number on the sales order. Has anyone done this?

We are using item restriction lists, but that is at the sold-to level only. We also have tried a mandatory price adjustment, but we are having some trouble with that (we are working with Oracle to understand why).

Has anyone done this outside of the above two options?

Nick, people are going to think I paid you to submit this question!

We have a video on YouTube about using advanced pricing to control item restrictions--can use the technique illustrated to enforce ship to restrictions, and even do it by item group/customer group.

JDEtips Item Restrictions Video

However, I've recently decided a cleaner way to do this is to use the Next Order Status Preference. In your case, setup this preference to bump the order to an invalid next status in order entry, if someone tries to sell a restricted item to a particular ship-to. Again, you can use item groups/customer groups if you wish.

Any questions, let me know. We'll be publishing a video on the next order status preference method in May. The advanced pricing method is also documented in the JDEtips library.

Congratulations Andy on the You Tube as a tool. Regarding the item restrictions I have been trying to do something similar but didn't want to set up individual part numbers for each customer. I wanted to use the cross reference. My issue was segregating the inventory in the warehouse and holding it for a customer. Any ideas?

Would KanBan practice work for this?
Donna, that sounds a bit like a consignment sale. Could you do a sales transfer to a held location reserved for the customer, and then do the real sales order when the customer is ready to accept shipment? I don't know Kanban well enough to answer you on that, but I could check with one of our manufacturing consultants.

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