Introducing Transform: Next-Generation Document Automation for Create!form Customers



Reputable Poster
Sorry for posting this so late. Hopefully most of you already received the email notification about this. If you can't attend I believe the webinar will be available from the webinar archive on the Bottomline website.


Transform, Bottomline’s next-generation platform for advanced document processing, will be soon be available for Create!form customers. Please join us on March 18th for an exclusive Create!form® customer preview webinar, during which Bottomline’s solution specialists will review the new and expanded capabilities of the Transform platform, including Transform Foundation Server and Transform Designer, and host a live demonstration.

Register online at:
Re: Introducing Transform: Next-Generation Document Automation for Create!form Customers

The Transform event will begin at:
1700 hours UTC/GMT, 2PM Eastern, 1PM Central, 12 noon Mountain, 11AM Pacific
Re: Introducing Transform: Next-Generation Document Automation for Create!form Customers

Was anyone able to join the webinar for the Transform 4.1 preview? What are your thoughts about the future? Here's mine...

I like that Transform gives Create!form customers a "path into the future" with additional features and functionality. I like that that Bottomline has taken the best of Create!form, Optio and Formscape and combined them into a single solution. What you'll be getting is the essentials needed to get you into the Transform architecture. Additional "modules", things like TransformDesigner, clustering, load balancing and auditing have to be purchased.

I don't like that I'll have to "upgrade" my CformDesigner 3.2 form projects into CformDesigner 7. I'll have to see how the conversion tool works before I know how much work that will be. I'm already on Cform v6 for my Director and Transform projects, hopefully they will move to v7 cleanly. From what I understand, if you choose to purchase TransformDesigner you will have to re-create all your projects from scratch.
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