improve UTB performance in E1


We're in the process of upgrading from OW XE B7333 to E1 9.
We've noticed that in E1 if you click find in UTB without entering any values in the QBE line, the resulting SQL query is built using the primary key index which causes it to do an 'order by' on those columns. For large tables this causes a long hang before it returns any values.
In XE it returns the first set of rows very quickly and the sql statement doesn't have an order by clause.

Does anyone know of a way to disable this order by functionality?

Although the performance impact is typically addressed in the past with custom indexes, this can create an issue with a customer trying to identify every method that a user might be able to query on a form.

There is a new security item that will help mitigate this. Application Query Security (which appears in the latest 8.98 tools release) improves performance by removing the ability to query on all records in a given form without a QBE entry, reducing the number of full-table scans. It allows for either a "warning" or an "error" message to be displayed - in the case of a warning, the user can choose to ignore the warning and progress with the search, but in the case of the error, it forces the user to populate at least one QBE field ! Its a great piece of functionality, and your DBA will love it ! (or at least the reduction of full table scans !)
Our CNC group just demo'd Application Query Security for us. What a great addition. I just wish they would extend it to UBEs. We have several UBEs that require data selection. We have had to write custom code that basically does just that - make sure user filled out certain fields in data selection (yes I am aware of Data Selection Commander).

I also wish they would allow configs for different groups/users instead of one config with excluded groups/users.
I have seen / read about the Application Query Security. I think you misunderstood my question though, or else I wasn't clear.

UTB (Universal Table Browser) does not work like it used to in XE.

in XE: fast path to UTB. open F4111 and click find. It will return the first set of rows very quickly. And then progressively return rows in a reasonable time.

in EO: the same steps will cause a long pause while it sorts all the data from F4111 in the TEMP tablespace according to the primary key because the SQL statement that is generated behind the scenes appends an "ORDER BY" clause to the end of the statement.
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