How to disable automatic output (pdf or csv file) saving


Hi group,

We're looking to disable automatic file saving when a user click on "view pdf" or "view csv" in "submitted job" screen.
The "saving output location" is in workstation's jde.ini file.
We're searching for disable completely this functionnality.
Target: User can view the "submitted job" output file (located on enterprise server), but this one should not (automatically) be saved anywhere. User must do "file/save as" to save the file.
Thanks in advance for your help !

the issue as I understand it is that you do not want the PDF/CSV file copied from the Enterprise Server PrintQueue to the user's local PrintQueue directory (as defined in the jde.ini) when the user clicks to view the file from the Submitted Jobs screen.

Unfortunately what happens when the user clicks to view the file is that the file is copied (FTP'd?) from the ES location to the local Printqueue, then the file is opened from the local location. To the best of my knowledge there is no way to modify this behavior. Consider those sites that use a UNIX or AS/400 box ... Clients usually have no direct acccess to those server directories which is why E1 transfers the files locally for viewing.

If you are using a Web approach (we don't know because you didn't tell us!) then ignore my statement above because I am unfamiliar with we/JAS implementations.

If it's JAS, then all you need to do is make sure that the client's PC has a file association for PDFs and CSVs (Should be present if Acrobat and Excel are loaded on the client PC). That way the native application for those extensions can open the file instead of saving it to your desktop.

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