How to consume a JDE bssv with python suds


hi i develop a python app which must consume a JDE bssv but when i tried to consume it i got some errors. so it seems JDE bssv must be consomed by a particular way. someone can explain how can i consume this web service. thanks in advance
hi i develop a python app which must consume a JDE bssv but when i tried to consume it i got some errors. so it seems JDE bssv must be consomed by a particular way. someone can explain how can i consume this web service. thanks in advance

What were the errors?

Couple things to do when you are having issues with BSSV.

1. Wireshark or the equivalent on the client (you can see the xml getting posted if you are not using SSL)
2. Turn on debug logs on the BSSV(you can see the server receiver the xml, process it and return data)
3. instead of using your python, have you tried soupui to make sure the BSSV is working?

Basically, what your client is doing is posting an xml file to a url. The xml has to be well formed to be processed correctly.

We can use python to consume E1 BSSV, e.g.:

from suds.client import Client
from suds.wsse import *

security = Security()
token = UsernameToken(username, password)

url =""

client = Client(url = url)


don't know why but my client.service.getAddressBookV2(81) will return a bunch of address books which are not (81).
I need to do this to make python returns only one result (the correct one):

client.service.getAddressBookV2(entity = {'entityId' : 81})
Is it possible to develop an application using python,C using JDE platform
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