How install big amount ESU's in JDE 9 without install old dependency.

Milton Suarez V.

Milton Suarez V.

Active Member
How install big amount ESU\'s in JDE 9 without install old dependency.

Hi Guys.
We having a requirement the install all ESU in JDE 9.0. I see in change assistent are 935 ESUS after UL2. If installing with change assistent we have a problem it's installing ESU's before UL2(14/10/2010) for dependency for example JL11051. You know any way to install this big amount the ESU's without have install old esus(before UL2) with change assitent or other way.

Our JDE is 9.0.2 (UL2)+ TR + W2008 + SQL2008

I appreciate much any ideas.

Re: How install big amount ESU\'s in JDE 9 without install old dependency.

First of all, be careful - because you want to also install any "localizations" - ie, remove all the system codes from that list - if you install just those that are listed, then you'll have issues. The Fix Current is actually about 1150 ESU's since UL2 - I know, I just installed them all just the other week.

Unless you go through installing each ESU individually (which actually wouldn't work either), there is no way to install an ESU without a dependency being installed. Sorry, but all the old stuff gets installed too.

We're well overdue for UL3 - but I guess thats what 9.1 is going to be about ! Your best bet is to blank out the system codes, and install all the ESU's. The Change Assistant will crash (out of memory with the JVM) a dozen times, and it takes a few days to do all of them (with backup turned off) - but they do work.

Don't forget all the special instructions too ! I had to create a script to extract all the special instructions properly - it wasn't fun !

By the way, you'll need to update your TR to or as well. Also - don't forget to install the planner ESU first before you start installing fix current....

Good luck....
Re: How install big amount ESU\'s in JDE 9 without install old dependency.

Hi Jon, thanks for you response.

Really we have notice that Oracle this is a bug in assitant change and they will put in the meantime review, we are doing installed up UL2. the rest baseline ESU I will install individually each one.

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