

Legendary Poster
When we run P512000 locally on a FAT client, the Columns tab works great.

When we run P512000 'terminally', the Columns tab has a STOP sign and is
filled with hex characters (as field names and inside the fields).

One of our users started a JDE call on this - and the request for JDE
Support was to run GEN.BAT. I haven't talked to JDE Support, yet (I know,
you all want me to follow through with them, first).

I continue to share with ya'll that I am a newbies... What is GEN.BAT,
where do I find it, and how do I run it over that program?

What causes this type of scenario - screen prints can be made available.
As always, thanks for your time and patience.

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
Search for GEN.BAT on the KG:
- JAS Audit Checklist 2001-07-02
This is a good checklist of items to review for verification of a proper JAS installation. - CSKnowledge
- Configuring the JAS Server to use eGenerator 2001-06-04
Modifying the jas.ini and gen.bat for use with eGenerator - CSKnowledge
- Generating Serialized Objects for JAS 2001-04-04
Once the installation and configuration of JAS (Java Application Server) is complete the Serialized Object tables must be generated using the Java Generator. - CSKnowledge

Looks like it should have been run during the install of your JAS (you do have a JAS?).

I'd be interested to know how this links to the problem you reported.
David & List,

Gen.Bat only affect JAS (near as I can tell) and wouldn't have any affect on

I am not really sure what transcripted during the conversation with my user
and JDE Support - there must have been some miscommunication regarding which
thin client was being used (WTS or HTML/Java Application Server).

I chatted with the Support folk and he agreed that Gen.Bat would have no
affect on our WTS issue... I gave us a SAR to review ... which pointed to
other SARs which ... and the tree is rather broad...

Anyone else have an issue like this, that got resolved? I'd like to hear
from ya.

Issue, still is, that a specific form(P512000) works great on a fat client -
but the column tab has a stop icon and all the text has been translated to
something other than English(is that a clue?).

Thanks in advance... prayers are welcome.

Daniel Bohner
[email protected]
JDE - XE & AS/400
JDE - B7331 & MS SQL 7x
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