Find Previous Year Date from cureent year Date


Active Member

How can i find previous year date from current year date?

Example:Current year date is 10/23/2014.I want to retrieve the previous year date (10/23/2013).Is there any business function or system function available to calculate the date in JDE?

I think you could create a C BSFN to do this pretty easily if one doesn't all ready exist.

AdvanceDate(&lpDS->jdDateOut, &lpDS->jdDateIn, -12, 0);


AdvanceDate(&lpDS->jdDateOut, &lpDS->jdDateIn, lpDS->nMonthsToAdvance, 0);

What do you want for a return if the date is Feb 29 (Feb 28 or Mar 1)? Dates all ways seem to be more confusing than they first appear. Here is a utility function I wrote that I use quite a bit for rolling date and time that might give some insight:

#ifndef DATASTRUCTURE_D5800034C
#define DATASTRUCTURE_D5800034C

typedef struct tagDSD5800034C
  JDEDATE           jdDateIn;                            
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnTimeIn;                            
  JDEDATE           jdDateOut;                           
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnTimeOut;                           
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollYears;                         
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollMonths;                        
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollDays;                          
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollHours;                         
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollMinutes;                       
  MATH_NUMERIC      mnRollSeconds;                       
} DSD5800034C, *LPDSD5800034C;
#define IDERRjdDateIn_1                           1L
#define IDERRmnTimeIn_2                           2L
#define IDERRjdDateOut_3                          3L
#define IDERRmnTimeOut_4                          4L
#define IDERRmnRollYears_5                        5L
#define IDERRmnRollMonths_6                       6L
#define IDERRmnRollDays_7                         7L
#define IDERRmnRollHours_8                        8L
#define IDERRmnRollMinutes_9                      9L
#define IDERRmnRollSeconds_10                     10L


    *  Variable declarations 
	long	ryr=0,rmth=0,rday=0,rhr=0,rmin=0,rsec=0,h,m,s,x;
    * Check for NULL pointers 
   if ((lpBhvrCom == (LPBHVRCOM) NULL) || 
       (lpVoid    == (LPVOID)    NULL) || 
       (lpDS      == (LPDSD5800034C)	NULL)) 
     jdeErrorSet (lpBhvrCom, lpVoid, (ID) 0, _J("4363"), (LPVOID) NULL); 
     return ER_ERROR; 
    * Main Processing 
	MathNumericToLong(&lpDS->mnRollYears,	&ryr);
	MathNumericToLong(&lpDS->mnRollMonths,	&rmth);
	MathNumericToLong(&lpDS->mnRollDays,	&rday);
	MathNumericToLong(&lpDS->mnRollHours,	&rhr);

	/***** roll time *****/
	I5800034_BreakDownTime(&lpDS->mnTimeIn, &h, &m, &s);

	/* seconds */
	s += rsec;
	x = s / 60;
	rmin += x;
	s -= (x * 60);
	if(s < 0)
		s += 60;

	/* min */
	m += rmin;
	x = m / 60;
	rhr += x;
	m -= (x * 60);
	if(m < 0)
		m += 60;

	/* hour */
	h += rhr;
	x = h / 24;
	rday += x;
	h -= (x * 24);
	if(h < 0)
		h += 24;

	IntToMathNumeric((h * 10000) + (m * 100) + s, &lpDS->mnTimeOut);

	/***** roll date *****/
	rmth += ryr * 12;
	//AdvanceDate(&lpDS->jdDateOut, &lpDS->jdDateIn, rmth, rday);		debug, this doesnt work as expected

	/* the documentation is at best confusing for Advancedate, passing both rmth and rday on single call does not produce
	   expected results.  Passing 0 for month and rday for days should work and appears to be working
		in other places in custom code.  However I am a little concerned, so I am going to use AdvanceOneDay/DecrementOneDay
		api in this function.  May be a little slower, but I feel more comfortable with what the API is doing.
	//if(rday != 0)		debug, following if,else should work but.... documentation is not clear
	//	AdvanceDate(&jd, &lpDS->jdDateIn, 0, rday);
	//	jd = lpDS->jdDateIn;

	jd = lpDS->jdDateIn;

	for(x = 0; x < rday; x++)
		jd = AdvanceOneDay(jd);

	for(x = 0; x < (rday * -1); x++)
		jd = DecrementOneDay(jd);

	if(rmth != 0)
		AdvanceDate(&lpDS->jdDateOut, &jd, rmth, 0);
		lpDS->jdDateOut = jd;
    * Function Clean Up 
   return (ER_SUCCESS); 

static void I5800034_BreakDownTime(LPMATH_NUMERIC pmnTime, long *h, long *m, long *s)
	long t;

	MathNumericToLong(pmnTime, &t);
	*h = t / 10000;
	*m = (t / 100) - ((*h) * 100);
	*s = t - (  ((*h) * 10000) + ((*m) * 100)  );

	if(*h > 24 || *h < 0)
		*h = 0;

	if(*m > 60 || *m < 0)
		*m = 0;

	if(*s > 60 || *s < 0)
		*s = 0;
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Why not just use the add_months expression in ER?

Add (-12) months to your date

Or use the User Date, Format BSFN to split your dates up into D M Y parts (add 1 Y) call it again in the other mode to get the date from the parts

Pass a blank ‘ ‘ to bring back the date from the bits.

Pass a ‘1’ to bring back the bits from the passed in date.
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