F03B13Z1 Records x>49 rows Locks up (stop processing/Updating)

Keisha Holloway

Please someone come to our rescue. When apptempting to run R03B551 that calls R03B50 (Algorithms, R03B50x, where x is blank, A, D, or E). Debug was activated while running a few simulated instances and the outcome was the process locks up when it processes over 49 records. When reviewing the Knowledge Garden the following ESU was obtained: Bug 11034198: SQL SERVER LOCKS WHEN RUNNING - SAR: 8953541. However we are running on 8.12 and this seems to contradict another proposed solution 1144405.1. Can someone bring a solution to our attention. F03B13Z1 Records x>49 rows Locks up (stop processing/Updating)
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