Euro Conversion


Active Member
Ok, here is a biggie. Has anyone out there either currently or previously
completed the Euro conversion? I am more interested in technical issues that
arose, but any application side information I can relay to my manager would
be appreciated as well..


Xe/SP14.2, NT/SP6a, SQL/SP3, Metaframe 1.8

John Gersic
Financial Systems DBA
1861 International Drive
McLean, Virginia 22102
MicroStrategy-Best in Business Intelligence
http:/ <http:/>
Let´s keep on touch. I am currently doing it in B7331 on SP 15.1 Sun Box.

We have not performed yet the converstion because we have a bunch of problems with numeric fields, but they seem to be are SP related.

So far be aware that:
Documentation is not quite accurate. Visit KG2 for documentation updates.

From the technical perspective, everything is going Ok. We followed the instructions to install (in our case Euro asu) without problems.

Wd had problem with R890911CI integrity report, which had different results running locally or on the server. By doing a fake checkout and creating an update package the problem went away.

Good luck!
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