Error: "The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host."

Reputable Poster
Error: \"The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host.\"

I suspect you techy internet guru's can tell me immediately what the the problem is here. I sit at a desk with my laptop and my client's desktop. The Desktop PC is connected to a 100MPS LAN port, my Laptop is connected to a slow 10MPS LAN port.

When I connect to JDELIst from my Laptop and attempt to Post (or reply to a Post) then I get the Error in JDEList "The host you are trying to send the input from is not a valid host." When I connect from the desktop there is no problem.

Is this caused by some internal configuration of the LAN at the site at which I am working (ie, some kind of IP address conflict?) or is there something wrong with the JDELIst Cookies on my Laptop Computer? Any clues? Cheers.
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