ERP 8 for JD Edwards 5


Well Known Member
Here's my view of the 'OneWorld' :

JDE offers OneWorld in one of two product lines:

(1) ERP software only (OneWorld)
- includes JDEdwards OneWorld

The Migration path for the ERP product is the following:

B7332 ----> B7333 (Xe) ----> ERP 8.0 (Xev2) ----> ERP 9.0

(2) Enterprise Solution (JDEdwards 5)
- includes OneWorld Xev2 (ERP 8.0), SCM, SRM, CRM, XPI, BI & Tools
-this is really just Numeric, YouCentric and the other JDE
acquisitions repackaged as an entire suite of products.

JDEdwards 5 is mean to be totally web based. It looks great if you can
afford it. ERP 8.0 is included in JDEdwards 5 but you can also get it
without buying JDEdwards 5. It is the next major upgrade to Xe (B7333). It
has many enhancements to apps - I'm not sure what they are.

I was at Focus (4th!) this year, and there was a bunch of confusion
over how JDE was (re)naming their products. I believe the consensus as
far as ERP8 is: ERP8= Xe, version 2 (also known as B9).
The important thing about ERP8/Xe2, is that it is not co-existent
anymore. If the client wants to keep World/OneWorld together at that
level, they are forced to using XPI connectors, which in my opinion, is
not quite there yet. They did discuss that there were a number of tools
that are/going to be available to convert World over to ERP8. I am not a
World user (never seen it!), so I cannot comment on how easy a migration
it would be...


OneWorld Xe (B733.3)
Update 2, SP 16
Oneoffs: SP16_011, _018, _019
Running on: WIN2K/SP2, SQL2k/SP2
Metaframe 1.8a

Xe, Update2, SP16
John, I believe you are 100% correct, except that ERP 8 is XE version 2,
which is not the same as B9.
B9 is due out third quarter of 2003, and will be called ERP 9.

Andy Klee
Still JDETips 1.0!
I'm afraid that Clarvision either did not exist or was barely out the time ERP8 was released, so I seriously doubt it.
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