Email Set up


Active Member

Can some help me in providing doccument for email set up in JDE.

Thanks, However i am encountering the following problem

I am able to receive mails from JDE after a UBE completes.

However, I am not able to send external mails.It says

The JDEMAIL library is disabled, function <JDECreateEMailMsg> is not available. Please see SAR 6546021 for details, and contact support.

But in Knowledge garden if i search for this SAR the following is written

"With sp22 mapi functionality is being disabled. The error is strictly informational. The reason we are including it in the jdedebug.log, is development is getting ready to disable the use of the MAPI functionality (as listed on SAR 6546021), but wanted to verify that no customers were still relying on this functionality prior to doing so. Therefore, with the inclusion of this SAR in SP 22, they now produce this error whenever you use a function of the software that used to provide some MAPI functionality. If you turn on your jdedebug.log and then access the WorkCenter and inquire on some messages, you will receive the same error messages in your jdedebug.log.

The customer can disregard these messages. It would not apply to them unless they were attempting to actually use some MAPI functionality within the software. "

Since I am able to receive the messages I believe that SMTP server is configured but not for work flow center, for sending external mails ….

However in one of the docs it says

For People Soft EnterpriseOne 8.0 and Xe, Service Pack 22 removes the functionality to use MAPI to read Outlook e-mail from within the Work Center.  There is also an available ESU that changes the process of sending mail from the External Mail tools option to use SMTP rather then MAPI.  This change is available on an ESU for SAR 6051423 for release Xe and SAR 6473669 for EnterpriseOne 8.0.

I am so much confused, should I apply the ESU for ERP8, which they say is included in SP22:(

Can Someone help


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