E1 Pages section


VIP Member
Hello there

In my E1 page under section I am using following below

+section:collapsible:My List

when page loads it is always open/expand by default. Is there a way to default to close or collapsed the section?

Try adding the following <script> section above the </head> tag in the home.html file created when you run the generatePages.bat file. Then, replace the <body> tag with the one below.

<script type="text/javascript">
function ssCloseAllSections() {
for (i=1;i<=5;i++) { /*** 5 represents the number of sections we have ***/
/*** Find the sections using the element ID ***/
if (document.getElementById('flowHeader'+i+'_text')) {
/*** Use the supplied function to Collapse each section ***/
} else {

<body onload="javascript:init();ssCloseAllSections();" onresize="javascript: dynamicallySizeSpacers();dynamicallySizeComponent();">

Hope that helps!
Thanks Stewart

I tried with that solution but nothing happening with I run the home.html locally. I was looking more prebuild function for generatepages so that way I don't always need to hack the home.html file but still love know to know what causing your solution not to work

Please attach your dat file and home.html file and I may be able to help.
Hi Stewart

Please find attachment as requested. I made simple and based on the counter iteration 5 you defined in your code



  • home.zip
    2.2 KB · Views: 24
Line 55 of your home.html there is a space where there shouldn't be one:

'flowHead er'

You can also remove the following from the <body> tag:

dynamicallySizeComponent( );

If you have any other questions, please let me know.
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