Double Line in FASTR


Well Known Member

DO you know if is possible to get single line in FASTR (for SUB field) raport? Now I get double - one with amount, and one - blank.

00500 Prima Sp. z o.o.
5352 Sales
PRO Sales-Milling
PRO Sales-Milling 7,942.95
PRO5 Sales-Milling
PRO5 Sales-Milling 7,942.95-
SZA Sales-Milling
SZA Sales-Milling 200,425.11-
ZAM Sprzedaz ZAM
ZAM Sprzedaz ZAM 54,045.60
ZAM5 Sales-Milling
ZAM5 Sales-Milling 54,045.60-
352 Sprzedaz 434,548.39-


Tomasz Skorza

Short answer to your question - yes, it is possible to get a single line in FASTR. Without knowing your setup (which is not something that is going to be explained without a lot of time), I cannot say for sure if your problem is in the FASTR setup or in your account structure setup. Sounds like maybe you need some FASTR training.

John Dickey
Accounting Systems Administrator
White-Rodgers, division of Emerson
8100 West Florissant Avenue
P.O. Box 36922
St. Louis, MO 63136-9022
It looks to me like you only need to change your totals in the General Specifications screen. In the column titled "Total Y/N" change the lowest level Y to N. For example if I sort on Division, then product line and then business unit, I only need to total Division and Product Line. The lowest level, business unit will give you a total anyway. If I total on business unit, it would give an extra line like your data shows.

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