Disaster Recovery



Reputable Poster

I'm reviewing our disaster recovery options with our System Administrator. It seems we have a few constraints on tape volume so we're trying to be as reasonable as possible in what we back up. I haven't tried to do any of what I'm proposing so I'd like to test my theories on anyone willing to reply. btw: incremental backups are being rejected out right (for some reason).

Central Objects - Am I nuts in believing we could backup PD and DV nightly and simply replace PY with PD if necessary?

DLL's (in iSeries there *SVRPGMs) - What if I were to just backup the PD library, copy it to PY in a recovery, and recompile DV from source? Is there an option to compile the source w/o a package build?

Specs - I'd do the same as the DLL's. But can I just copy the DV specs from a full client package into the folder on my iSeries or is there some differences between client and server specs?

Thanx much
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