Decimal Digit Limiation in JDE


Now we are in the stage of UAT for JDE 9.1 implementation. We got information from JDE consultant that we have the limilation for decimal digit(4 digit only). Then, we will face the 4 decimal digit is not enough for the unit price of some items. Currently, the proposed solution is change the Unit of measure of the items, but it will directly impact the daily operation and communication with supplier(as the unit of measure in the industry is pcs, we need change it to Kpcs). Do you have any other solution to solve the issue? what is the impact to the system, if we change some item's unit price with 5 decimal digit or 6 decimal digit?

Having faced this issue before you have two choices. One, as the consultant suggested, manipulate the pricing UoM vs. the stocking UoM to ensure the price is correct or two, change the data decimal definition for the UPRC field. I would strongly recommend that you not change the data decimal definition for the UPRC as the alias is used in a number of different modules within JDE and if done wrong can cause some very serious problems. I have manipulated the pricing UoM in the past and it has worked effectively.

You can change the dictionnary definition but you have to use a technical standard UBE to be sure than all tables have the correct definition.(see Oracle Documentation)
Remember than this is not an innocent action as the UBE modify only the definition and you should have to make data actions.
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