Date handling - Sales order to shipment


Active Member
Hello list,

We are getting ready to install JD13881 to B733.2. We are seeing a problem with the way that dates are coordinated between the sales order and the shipment. Basically, the system calculates the pick-up or delivery date (depending on what you enter) using the work-day calendar and the transit days from the route. The problem is, there doesn't seem to be a way to overrride the date calculation. There are cases where we need to control the dates.

We want to upgrade to XE soon but we're told that the same logic has been built into Update 4.

Is there anyone out there who uses Advanced Transportation who has also installed JD13881 (B733.2) OR Update 4 (XE)? If so, I'd like to know how you handle pick-up and delivery dates.

Thank you for your help..........


Kelly Read
Chiquita Brands Int'l
B733.2 SP 11.2 NT SQL Server
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