custom UBE not working


VIP Member
Hi. A vanilla R08 UBE was copied and renamed to R58 UBE. A ESU was applied, but it did NOT affect the vanilla R08 UBE so there was no need to retrofit the R58 UBE. Now the R58 UBE has stopped working. When it's run in PY, it does not recognize the processing options and the data selection. When I go into execution details, it's says that there is no processing options and data selection when they exist. It's still fine in PD where the ESU have not been deployed yet. The code in PY and PD are the same.

There are error messages in jde.log including for an non-existant table called F98740PY910FD. See below.

Does anyone have any ideas regarding the cause and the resolution?

I have already built and deploy a PY package hoping that it would fix the issue, but it still doesn't work.


6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744000 ODBC_U1.C894
ODB0000163 - wSQLNumResultCols failure. rc=-1

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744001 ODBC_U1.C894
ODB0000164 - STMT:00 [42S02][208][2] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name 'JDE_PY910.PY910.F98740PY910FD'.

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744002 ODBC_U1.C894
ODB0000164 - STMT:01 [42000][8180][2] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Statement(s) could not be prepared.

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744003 ODBC_U1.C902
ODB0000155 - SQLNumResultsCols failed. Table F98740PY910FD, ODBC DSN JDESQLCL01.

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744004 jdbodbc.C3264
ODB0000027 - JDBODBC_DescribeTable failed. Table F98740PY910FD.

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744005 JDB_DRVM.C915
JDB9900168 - Failed to initialize db request

6252/3236 MAIN_THREAD Fri Jun 06 10:53:58.744006 JTP_CM.C1012
JDB9909007 - Unable to obtain driver request handle
What objects were affected by the ESU ?

Do other reports run fine in the same environment ?

It looks like a table spec mismatch , but it almost looks like you are referencing an invalid full package name - PY910FD, but if this were the case I would expect all UBEs and other functions to also have a problem.

Are you able to run the UBE locally ?
The objects affected by the ESU are not in the UBE. And other reports runs fine in PY.

When I did a advance get in PD, I was able to run the UBE successfully locally in PY. I checked in the UBE in PY, build and deploy a package. The UBE still does not run in PY on the server.

The vanilla UBE works. So I will retrofit the changes to the vanilla UBE.

The package PY910FD could have existed at one time, I'm not sure. I'm not CNC.
Is it possible your cloned UBE uses the same Processing Options template as the vanilla UBE, BUT the ESU modified the PO template? Just asking
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