CSMS Sales Tax


Has anyone used standard JDE Tax functionality with CSMS? Have you been able to set up labor and material to be taxed differently by state? I have done this before in SOM by setting up taxable groups in the item master or line type and the related tax areas.

Hi Janice,

When you mention tax groups, I assume you are referring to UDC [H00/TV]. These tax groups never seemed to work within CSMS, in particular with Service Orders, at either the Item or Line Type levels. JDE hand entered SAR#5988281 to address this issue at the Line Type Level. However, the resulting ESU never seemed to fix the problem. I had initiated a call with JDE about this and they had opened up SAR#6358978 for me. In December 2002, they discontinued working on this and indicated they would reconsider this in the future. The reason for discontinuation doesn't make much sense to me, however, I had never pushed this, because my client had decided to go a different route. Hope this helps, but if you require clarification or assistance, please let me know.
Sorry to hear you didn't have much sucess. What did your client decide to do? I am thinking of a custom UBE to run over the billing work file (F4812) to adujst the tax explantantion code and zero the amount for tax exempt items and labor.
In the end, we ended up using Sales Orders (for a bunch of reasons, not just this one) where this functionality worked. I think your idea about the custom UBE is a good one.
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