Create!Form Desginer 3 text output

Alvin Yong

I am currently working on Designer and I wanted to output a form to line printer. When I select my page setup to be text output, I get a whole blank text output. By the way, I have tried on another version of with the same setup, it works fine right there. Do anyone face this?

After failing to output it to text, I have actually remain the PDF output in designer and setup the output format as PCL format but this time, instead of printing my desired A4 landscape orientation, it's printed as A4 Portrait. It will only print correctly on my pre-printed stationary only when i stated it to be portrait. Could anyone kindly advise for this?


Simple answer; upgrade your workstation to I bet if you look at the release notes for that update text form projects was one of the things that got fixed.

I recently did a project for text output to line printers. I was using and it did not work (same as you saw). Instead of using CformDesigner I used Create!transform (on recommendation from BT 2nd level tech support).

Ctransform is part of Create!director v6.x. It was a little tricky getting the text output to line up correctly on the pre-printed line printer forms. I wasn't able to figure out how to control the font size/line spacing. My JDE PDF output goes through to a printer defined for CformServer6 which finds and uses a Cdirector project. The Cdirector project calls the Ctransform project and sends the resulting line printer text to the line printer.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Karen!

I had used Create!Transform for the line printers forms printing and I created a Director for the printing. This works for me. Thanks a lot for your help.
Hi Karen,

with regards to the said topic, I'v previously able to get my desired printout on an Epson LQ2170 printer (with Create!Transform) but then after, the user changed to Epson LQ2180 and thereafter, the font size get from LQ2180 printout is of smaller font size and on the wrong position. Is it the font will follow the hard setup on the printer? Am I able to overwrite that setup from Create!Transform? Thanks.
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