

Hi all,

I am a regular user of JDE OW (SP22). I am curious to know how the standard, planned and actual costs are created and obtained.
When i say created, I want to know which programs change the cost of a manufactured or purchased component.

When I say obtained, from where the data is accessed to populate the production cost inquiry and costed bill enquiry.

If any one can send a details, I would be greatful.

Thanks in advance

Sounds like you are interested in Standard Costing and Manufacturing Accounting. This is quite a large area of expertise and you have no specific question, hence you really need to get a hold of the Manual and have read through that as a starter.

I know the Manual can seem a little daunting so there is free downloadable PDF White Paper that gives you an overview at my web site. It is at and is called 'Introductory Notes to OneWorld Product Costing and Manufacturing Accounting'. The file is zipped.

The Costs you see come from the Cost F4105 Table and the Cost Components Table F30026. The R30812 Cost Rollup and R30835 Cost Roll over manipulate these through Bills of Material and Routings via Work Center or Employee Labour Rates. Work Order Actual costs are created in the F3102 Table from WO Bookings. Do some homework and let us know your questions.
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