Converting SSL certificate generated by a 3rd party to an Oracle Wallet



Reputable Poster
We are currently in the process of migrating all our IBM WebSphere servers to Oracle WebLogic. As part of the part of the migration I also need to set the SSL on the Oracle HTTP Server which will serve as the proxy server.

We already have a working on IBM HTTP Server proxy server with the certificates and the keystore configured and we would like to use those same certificates to set the new Oracle Wallet which will be referenced in the SSL.conf file. I am trying to find some documents on how to achieve this using ORAPKI and create a Wallet for the existing certificates from Digicert.

Anyone has done such a similar thing before ..any pointers will be very helpful.

WebLogic 12.1.3
Oracle HTTP Server 12.1.3
Windows 2012 R2
JDK 1.8.60

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