Conditional Tabular Output


Wondering if anyone has experienced a similiar problem with Tabular report. Im trying to conditionally output my detail line (which is a total by An86) based upon a value. In this case Im comparing the amount open field to a user entered ProcOpt value. First problem I encountered was that my BC column at DO time has the value of the "next" An86 to be processed after the level break. It does not contain the value about to be output (the BC column from F03B11). Thru the debugger I see an RV value but it isnt available to me thru the tool and wasnt a field I put on the report. This RV value does contain the totaled amount. In 7332 this was not the case. At DO time the RV value and the BC value equaled. I got around this by adding a variable, hiding it, and on column inclusion saying RV Var = BC Amount open. Im now able to do my conditional output but one problem remains. This first customer processed can not be acted upon within my code. All fields for the first line printed appear as "UNKNOWN" to the debugged and any attempt to include or exclude them fail. Any ideas??

Eric Beasley
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