CNC Certification practice Exam questions



Does anyone have a list of these? (from beta or otherwise). there are a few sites that advertise these for a nominal fee i was just wondering if anyone has them already?
I wrote the exam with my eyes closed and both hands tied behind my back and still got 80%.

Seriously.........posting these types of answers would undermine the integrity of the exam which wasn't actually that hard.

Congratulations about your successful exam.
I am preparing to take the exam too. Can you share some tips or advices? Some reinforcement in any specific topic? Are very tricky those questions? I have many years of experience in XE but no too much in 9.0, is this a big disadvantage?

Sorry about my impetuos approach, but do you have any course material or training guide you can share? (My employer does not sponsor training more than support/maintenance manuals of providers). I'll appreciate it.

Felt that the questions are more practical in nature. You will enjoy giving this test. Covers almost all aspects of CNC. You wont need any preparation for this IMHO.
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