Citrix deployment issue


I'm curious if anyone else is having this issue. When you deploy a full package to citrix, that already has a full package installed, the system directory gets hosed up. In fact most of the files don't copy into the system folder. I have to rename the system folder, that way a new copy of the folder is deployed to the server. I have several calls open with PSFT but they can't reproduce the error.
This is a common problem. You didn't mention which version of the application you are running so I will assume 8.9 or later. The issue we have with 8.9 is that when the MSDE SQL service is running, the system folder is locked for updates. It has also been observed that the WMI service can prevent a new system folder from being layed down during a full client install. We don't see this problem often at my shop due to the way in which we deploy to our Citrix servers. Only the bin32 and spec folders are copied across all of the servers in the farm. We only replace the system folder when we are updating the service pack. If this isn't an option, try stopping those services I mentioned and attempt a reinstall.
Oops sorry 8.10 8.93_L1

Been off for 3 months due to back surgery still getting back into the flow of work

I will try your suggestion. I have a server for testing things.

Acutally this isn't a big problem for us either since we deploy to one and run a script to deploy to other servers. It's just really annoying when you are deploying a full build and it 'slips' your mind.
GSS support and I worked on this for a while.

Unregister the dll with this command:

regsvr32 /u /s c:\b9\system\bin32\jdboledb.dll

This stops the objects from being held open and a true clear and replace can be completed.
I just made it part of my batch file that "assists" with package deployments.
It does something like this. . .
1. Send a logoff message to all users still on the box.
1a. Wait 10 minutes then log them off.
2. Turn off logon.
3. Put the Citrix box into install mode.
4. Stop the Anti-virus service.
5. Install the package.
6. Copy the install log to a different file for viewing later.
7. Update the GlobalTables and DataDictionary files from a central location.
8. Run the "Unregister DLL" fix.
9. Restart the Anti-Virus service.
10. Put the Citrix box into execute mode.
11. Turn logon back on.

Isn't it great to have a batch file remember every step?
Has anyone accidentally forgotten to turn the Anti-virus back on?
Or even worse wonder why no one can logon?

Such is the life of a lowly CNC.
Love 1a.!!!! However, you are really nice...I send a message saying you have 10 minutes, then I immediately kill them! (er, well, I kill their sessions that is)

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