Chart Conversion


Active Member
Hi Guys,

We are live on OneWorld Financials since August 2000. Running on NT/SQL B7332
SP 11.3. After fair evaluation, we have come to realize that we need a whole
Chart of Accounts overhaul. We have done that, and have effectively shortened
the Chart now to a much manageable size. Now comes the big task of remapping
this new chart into the existing one in Production and obvisoulsy converting all
data over!

I think I have an overall idea on the approach, however I was curious if anyone
else have gone through this. If so, would it be possible to get some feedbacks
for eg., steps taken, any problems encountered, amount of time taken or anything
that you might think could be helpful.

Any suggestions, and ideas will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Dave Laha
Financial Systems Analyst
PCI Services, Inc.
(215) 501-1226

JDE provides a process to convert existing COA data to a new/revised COA. I've done this is few times both in World and OneWorld. The process is fairly straight forward and runs OK. This is covered in the General accounting manual.

Once the COA mapping (old to new) is completed (Menu G09316), you only need to run the update ate job. The amount of time depends on the number of changes (Business Units, Objects, Subsidiaries) and the size of the data files.

You will need to change all model journal entries by hand and all AAI's (financial and distribution) before any posting occurs. This can be done while the update is executing. Also, as with any update, no one should be accessing the system and a backup should be done before starting the update.

You will probably want to alert those who code invoices and submit JE's of the changes to minimize the need to convert the coding before entry.

You can contact me off line if you have other questions.

Mike Dupaix
JDE Certified Professional
(630) 904-5373 – Office/Fax
(630) 750-2500 - Cell

Hi Guys,

We are live on OneWorld Financials since August 2000. Running on NT/SQL B7332
SP 11.3. After fair evaluation, we have come to realize that we need a whole
Chart of Accounts overhaul. We have done that, and have effectively shortened
the Chart now to a much manageable size. Now comes the big task of remapping
this new chart into the existing one in Production and obvisoulsy converting all
data over!

I think I have an overall idea on the approach, however I was curious if anyone
else have gone through this. If so, would it be possible to get some feedbacks
for eg., steps taken, any problems encountered, amount of time taken or anything
that you might think could be helpful.

Any suggestions, and ideas will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Dave Laha
Financial Systems Analyst
PCI Services, Inc.
(215) 501-1226

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