Changing setting for Multi-Currency


Has anyone changed Multi-Currency from Y to N. We are not live yet so better now than later. I placed a call with JDE about this subject and they said it could be done but not recommended. They said that they couldn't point me to any documents on this subject. They didn't make them available because it is something they don't want people to do.

Thanks for any input.

[email protected]

XE, JAS, SQL7, SP15.1 Windows 2000, Update 2
The issues with turning off currency information is that the currency fields on
various data records (GL, AR, AP, PO, SO, INV) is no longer populated. If you
ever need to restate information, you may need to manually populate those
valuse in all the affected files/tables. Of particular concern is the Gl
balances table (F0902). Changing currency values against Gl accounst causes a
myriad of problems with financial reports.

If you are anticipating using multi-currency in the near future (one or two
years), you may be better served by setting currency definitions and letting
these fields display.

Mike Dupaix B73XX, Xe: upto SP15.1
JD Edwards Certified
(630) 904-5373 Office/Fax
(630) 750-2500 Cell

Quoting LBurroughs <[email protected]>:

Be careful with this one. After you do it, if you have any base prices or
advanced pricing setup, the data will look fine, but the system won't be
able to find the prices because the currency code is still in the file. You
will need to delete all your prices, change currency, then re-enter them
with currency off. Test it first, and you'll see what I mean.


Andy Klee

Klee Associates, Inc.
J.D. Edwards Certified Professional
Phone: 970.856.4811
Cellular: 303.591.7344
Why do you want to do it? We have had to set it the other way from N to Y
and it has caused us major problems, with the G/L integrity. My view is and
has always been that unless you have a very good reason to set it to N (and
I do not believe we did, hence the need to change it) then leave it at Y, it
adds functionality and future proofs your implementation. Who knows what
your company will do in the next year!

OW733.3 Xe SP 14.2
Enterprise Server - Intel NT + Oracle 8.0.6
Client - Citrix TSE + 4 NT PC's for development
Re: RE: Changing setting for Multi-Currency

The decision to turn Multi-Currency on or off isn't mine to make. The decision was made by my management and one of our consultants. My background is CNC and they have asked me to help with the process. We are not live yet. We have not yet used our production environment. If I was to run R98403 XJDE0021 and change the processing options so I replaced all of the business data in CRP with the bussiness data from production this would replace all of CRP with the blank tables from production. Would I then be safe to change Multi-Currency from Y to N. At this point we don't mind loosing all of the business data but would like to preserve all work versions etc. that our consultants have been working on.

Please correct me if I am way off base here.

[email protected]

XE, JAS, SQL7, SP15.1 Windows 2000, Update 2
RE: RE: Changing setting for Multi-Currency

If you are happy to dump all your test data - then there should be no
problem with setting Multi-Currency off.

OW733.3 Xe SP 14.2
Enterprise Server - Intel NT + Oracle 8.0.6
Client - Citrix TSE + 4 NT PC's for development
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