Capturing logs for web client


Well Known Member
I am testing 8.11; my first experience with the web client. For some reason I cannot enter a sales goes through the motions, but no record is written. Journaling did not install correctly on the E8.11 install, and I had to work with Oracle to get it going. Still, the F4201 and F4211 files weren't journaled, so I manually started the journaling for my testing. It is changing the next number file OK. If this were a fat or Citrix client I would know how to get logs to debug this, but not sure I'm looking at all the available logs with the web client. Can someone give me a quick overview of how they would debug this problem?
Thank you!

There are parameters in the JAS.INI that allow you to enable logging. You will have to stop and start the webserver to enable logging. The logging will be for all users, so it may get a bit tricky. Not a big deal if you are the only person testing, but......

I thought I saw a feature in 8.11 that allowed for individual kernals for each web user. If so (sorry I'm on XE so I don't know much about this), turn on that parameter as well as logging. Then you will be able to track your session like you do with a fattie.

Besides turning on logging on the web client, you may also need to enable it on your logic server as well. One good debugging technique is to try the same transaction on both the web and a thick client. Make sure that when you test the thick client, you are logging into the "J" environment. The big difference between the "J" environment and a regular environment is that your business functions are processed on a logic server. I have seen the same application behave very differently depending on whether I ran it from a thick client or a web client. This is especially true with custom objects. When JDE started pushing the web client, they made some changes to some core objects to call different business functions that were designed for supporting the web or a fat client. If you have a custom object that is calling a old, valid, business function that was not redesigned for the web from your web client, you'll have errors.

The lesson here is this - if you are a customer with Vanilla code, going to the web client (in any release) is not a big deal. If you developed custom objects, or modified a JDE/PeopleSoft/Oracle EnterpriseOne Core object, then you will have to test the web client and possibly retrofit your custom objects to meet the current standards. In case you're wondering, yes, we learned this the hard way and because of that have never embraced the web client in any meaningful way.

Good luck with your implimentation!

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
Thank you for your reply. I found document #200953991 on the Oracle web site that was similar to my problem. Its resolution was to start Extended Dynamic Remote SQL - STRTCPSVR SERVER(*EDRSQL). This seemed to work, although I did not see it mentioned in the install manuals. Must have missed it somehow. Being new to the web client, though, I am always interested in any web client "best practice" documents or tips that anyone may have.
Try entering http://servername/jde/saw/jasinternalonly.html]http://servername/jde/saw/jasinternalonly.html for access to logging features in JAS.

I am testing 8.11; my first experience with the web client. For some reason I cannot enter a sales goes through the motions, but no record is written. Journaling did not install correctly on the E8.11 install, and I had to work with Oracle to get it going. Still, the F4201 and F4211 files weren't journaled, so I manually started the journaling for my testing. It is changing the next number file OK. If this were a fat or Citrix client I would know how to get logs to debug this, but not sure I'm looking at all the available logs with the web client. Can someone give me a quick overview of how they would debug this problem?
Thank you!

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I was interested in the individual user logs you were talking about, so I went looking on the Oracle site to find more information and I stumbled upon this. Don't know if this is what you were talking about?

The setting in the web server are for all web users. For FAT client, you can only turn on the setting for selective workstations. However, for web client, it is all or nothing.

The Enterprise Server will support one user per kernel, if the setting below is turned on.
Both Web and Enterprise servers must have the setting turn on to support one user per kernel.

So, if JAS.INI on the web server

and JDE.INI on the enterprise server
then, each web client user will have a dedicated kernel process assigned.

Document ID: OTI-03-0149

I was interested in the individual user logs you were talking about, so I went looking on the Oracle site to find more information and I stumbled upon this. Don't know if this is what you were talking about? .....

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, that sounds like the concept that I read about. I don't think that I would run a production server in that mode, but it would be ok for a test server.

Gregg Larkin
JDE System Administrator (CNC) / North America
Praxair, Inc.
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