Cancel lines on a purchase order


How do I cancel a line on a purchase order?

I have the PO# and line #, but for the life of me cannot find a place in E1 to cancel the line.

I searched the forums but cannot find the answer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I am very new to E1.
Pull up the PO in P4310, go into Detail Revisions, select the line to cancel and take the "Cancel Line" row exit.

This is a fairly basic operation within PO's. Have you taken any functional training on PO's/Distribution? If not, I'd highly recommend it to help you better understand managing PO's.
Thanks for the reply. I haven't had any training on the system at all. I'm hoping to get some soon.
Hii JD,
To delete a single line from PO follow these steps :
1 Select PO number move to oracle screen click Home link.
3.Click “Purchase Order Summary” link lines button
For more details follow: purchase order

Do you know how to cancel several PO lines in 1 single batch (R4311Z1) ?


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