Building DLL on enterprise server

Sunil Rana

is there any option to Build DLL on enterprise server other than package Build. Like we have Busbuild on Deployment/Fatclient. what are steps i should follow and what are requirements? i have tried with BsfnBuilder but it was not sucess, may be i have not folowed all steps or requisites not provided??please help me i am facing problem with my DLL on enterprise server

Sunil Rana
Sorry if this sounds snarky, but why would you try to build a server-side DLL without going through package build?
What you do after Service Pack install on ES ? LINKBSFN wil build all DLLs

Nitin Shetye
LINKBSFN does not build the DLLs again. It merely links them to the new Tools Release.

Also, LINKBSFN is only used on certain platforms (like AS/400), but not all of them. Depending on what his platform is, he would not be able to use it.
Unfortunately, you have not described your situation, or your platform.

If you had trouble during a full package build on one of the DLLs, and are hesitating to rebuild because a full package takes so long, you might want to look at Package Build History, find your package name and build time, reset the status of the one DLL giving you a problem, and resubmit from there. The Package Build History will only rebuild the parts that you have reset the status.

Also, have you looked for error reports from the compile? They are in different places depending on the enterprise server's platform, so knowing that information would really help us to help you.
i know how it sounds!!!! and i am listening to this since i am facing this issue....
B7333, Package Build on Enterprise server

every time i build a full package or Update package, Bin32 folder on enterprise server has all DLL but all of them are of 13 KB and i have three type of files for each DLL
1. .Dll(appl.) 13 KB
2 .map(mapping file) 1 KB
3 .pdb(intermediate files) 65 KB

there are no errors and R9622 gives a PDF which says it is successful. now after deploying this package DLL in particular environment are replaced with these new DLL(13 KB) and none of my busines function repond on server.

if i check on Enterprise server i have source folder and include foldre.source folder has a folder for each DLL and inside this we have .c file for Business function amd we have one more file JDERTDLL.c , Inclde we have .h file for all bsuiness functions.


now this is the problem i am facing, so that why i was asking if i can run buildDLL on Enterprise server so that all DLL are build as i have include and source files present.

Please suggest me what i can do to avoid this problem at time of package build only as i dont want to have an extra step after package deployment.

I have attached the packages i got on deployment and enterprise server, please see attachment.
Sunil Rana
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