Building a JDE Data Warehouse on SQL Server 2008


Hi guys

We are nearing completion of our in-house Data Warehouse, extracting data from DB2 AS/400 onto an SQL Server 2008 instance and transforming the data to simplify reporting.

I am just sharing some of the things we have done hoping that other people will find them interesting.

We have developed the following features:
1. Automatically convert Julians to dates
2. Automatically convert integer values to the relevant decimal display
3. Automatically create 'Description' columns next to 'Code' columns and populate by looking up the description value in the relevant UDC system/code
4. Manage language issues automatically (converting AS/400 character codes to Windows character codes).

Additionally, we implemented a number of transformations such as:
1. A single view of costing, pricing and quantity availability per item (including various cost methods and price types [retail / wholesale / discount] on a single row per item)
2. Budget vs Actual information on a single row per object account and unit
3. Sales summary hiding away the complexity of purged sales files and providing quick access to sales performance
4. Sales document summary, enabling us to quickly identify sales with low profit margins as well as to analyse the profit performance of specific lines in relation to the total performance of the document.

Looking forward to your comments. If you need any further information don't hesitate to <font color="red"> PM me </font> .

I'm very interesting in your topic. Could send me your e-mail. I have a couple of question.

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