BSSV: Accepting a chunk of Data - XML/Array


Hi All,

Please help if anybody has any experience in Business Services. I need to create some BSSVs where it will need to accept a chunk of data, in an array or a XML format. It could be multiple records to be processed/inserted in a JDE table through this BSSV. We cant call the same call the same BSSV again and again for all records and process them at a time. I have created multiple BSSVs but the requirement by now was to only accept one set of parameters and either a BSFN call or a SELECT databse call.

I did look at the standard BSSVs and the reference implementation in JDE but could not find an example, all of them accept only a single set of parameters at a time.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Env: 8.12/8.98, NT, SQL Server 2005
you can define your published value object in a way that it accepts an array of values, BSSV will "translate" these java classes into xml schemas after you publish your service.

for example,

your BSSV "entry" point looks like this

MyPublishedResponse doJDEWork(MyPublishedRequest request){

class MyPublishedRequest extends ValueObject implements Serializable{
private MyDataRow[] row;

class MyDataRow extends ValueObject implements Serializable{
private String id;
private Calendar timestamp;
private BigDecimal price;
Thanks jcf5,

I tried to do the same on a simple BSSV last night and was able to do that. I really appreciate you taking the time to register to JDEList and send your first post to help me out. Have a great day!
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