BSFN Warning Message In Our Server Log


Well Known Member
Good Afternoon....

I am interested in isolating what the field or object related to the below Server Log Warning Message.....

Thanks for the assistance....

Warning Message::::::::::

14 Jun 2018 13:14:11,332 [WARN ] LAPALOMF - [RUNTIME] Exception caught in FormAction: Application=P421002_S421002C, desc=Sales Order Detail(subform), event=258_0, bsfnName=S421002C_InitializeSODetail, action=enable grid, id=20, parameters=-2|102|false com.jdedwards.base.exception.RuntimeGridException: Invalid idObject (102)
That is probably coming from one of the API calls listed in jdepropwrap.h. Most likely the EnableGrid call just based on the log message. That api has the sig of

EnableGrid(LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom, long lGridId, int iRow, long lColumn, BOOL bEnable);

so if I was to venture another guess I would say that the message above maps like this:

EnableGrid(LPBHVRCOM lpBhvrCom, long lGridId=20, int iRow=-2 (which is ACTION_ALL_ROWS), long lColumn=102, BOOL bEnable=false);

My guess is that you don't have a column with the ID 102 on the grid????
We've enabled the URRF(Promo Code) and URAT(Disc%) on the P421002 grid and from those fields add\update a tag file. Is there any way to eliminate the warnings?
How would you isolate the ID 102 in the "bsfnName=S421002C_InitializeSODetail"
Looks like it's the grid column % Profit Margin (Object ID 102)

Form: Sales Order Detail - S421002C
Grid Column: % Profit Margin
  Sequence:                     78          Object ID:                102     
  Data Item:                    PRMG        Table:                            
  Visible:                      True        Clickable:                False   
  Disable Input:                False       Disable QBE:              False   
  Wrap Text:                    False       Multi Currency:           False   
  Sortable:                     False       Sort Order:               A       
  Sort Seq                      0           Width:                    12      
  Display Style:                Default     
  Do Not Clear after Add:       False       Required:                 False   
  Default Cursor on Add:        False       Default Cursor on Update: False   
  No Display if currency OFF:   False       Time Zone:                N/A
If you look in UTB and open FDASPEC, slap in P421002 for szApplication and 20 in idGrid, you'll get the gird column that is causing you issues

idSeqNo is the Control ID column

NOTE: I am on a different release to you and just showing what I see. You'll probably find you get what Craig got too. I'm just teaching you how to fish :)


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Actually idSeqNo is the position of the column in the grid and will change if columns are moved. idObject in the right hand pane of UTB is the internal object # used to reference the column in code.

It turns out......PRMG was indeed the culprit...there is a PRMG on the Grid....but with a different ID. It appears a PRMG was added and then the original (102) was removed. So, my PRMG ID is actually 323. Thank you all for the input....

While I understand your point, Larry, I would question deleting a column in a JDE app as a modification. It should be hidden.

That really sucks that Oracle's coding in this app is so fragile

Well, its kinda of the same situation across the board regardless of how you code it. If you delete a control and then re-add it you still have to go "re-link" all the ER code. Actually by using the C api you can just go and change one constant, recompile and it all works again, you don't have to find every single code statement and re-link it.
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