B4201500 Calculate Sales Price and Cost


I need to develop a price catalog for all active customers and all active items. I have narrowed it down to 220 customers by grouping all like advanced pricing rules together. I wrote a UBE using B4201500, running this BF Asynchronous for each customer. The problem is when the Asynchronous UBE starts it also starts creating a huge job log like debugging is turned on but it isnt. Has anyone else encountered this issue?
Thanks. That is what I had used to get started. Normally when a job completes normally, I have four statements in my debug log that states that debug is inactive. When I run this UBE (which it is a UBE that calls another UBE asynchronously)the debug file has three lines of debug as inactive and then starts logging. All I have to do is uncheck asynchronous and it doesnt log. When I try to run 220 customers synchronous I have an issue with memory.
Are you launching this from a client thru BV? Not sure if this is your problem but back aways (actually quite aways) I remember a client side JDE ini setting in the [UBE] stanza that was something like UBEDebugLevel. If it was set to other than zero a debug log was created on the E1 server.
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