Assembly Inclusion Edit Group Revisions - Derived Calculation Issue


Active Member
Hi all, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction, I've been having some issues with Kit&Configurator, more specifically, when I add a new table and rbing in a specific data item for use in the Derived Calculation it doesn't seem to actually work (I see the data item in the derived calculation column in P3293, but if I go back into Kit & Configurator, the newly chosen derived calculation doesn't show up). Please understand that I'm paraphrasing here, and I'm not as familiar with the application as I'd like to be. I was hoping if someone knew whether this is a set-up issue - all we did supposedly was to add the new table(s) using the P16902 - Work with enabled tables application, are we missing a few steps regarding setting up these new tables? Any suggestions would be much obliged, thanks again in advance for your time.....


(XE - Service Pack 22 Revision 9
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