Advanced Search Problems and Help Facility



Legendary Poster
JDEList Admin,

I tried a couple of advanced searches and none worked as expected. The search facility has some cumbersome limitations with dates and user ids. The help facility seems to be limited to FAQs with no obvious link to more detailed help.

Searches tried:

1) Using the "search multiple content types" for posts only, with key words "print immediate" for search entire posts and user id "peterbruce" with exact checked. It only returned threads started by user id peterbruce. When I limited it to search title only, it did not return anything.

2) Using the "search single content type" for posts only , with key words "print immediate" for search entire posts in developers forum, it seemed to search only for the first word "print" and the returned posts had only print highlighted and not "immediate".

Other limitations:

Date: There seems to be no facility to enter a date range manually. The only option seems to be to search using predefined post/thread age of a year or less with older or newer. Thus if you want to find a post that was 3 years ago there is no option apart from searching for posts older than a year. This is likely to return a large number of posts to search through. The FAQ says "There are also options to find posts from a certain date" but I can't see that option.

User Ids: The search by user id seems to be limited to threads started by the specified user id or the last post by the user id. I can't see either of these options being of much use. The most useful search would be for any posts made by the specified user not just the most recent and/or the first post in a thread.
Hi. My problem with the Advanced Search is that you no longer have the capability to select which forum(s) you want the search to be executed on. Now, I have to look at the right hand side to see which forum the result was for before I click on the result.

When you select "Advanced Search", by default the "Search Multiple Content Types" tab is loaded. There is no option to select forums on this tab. However, if you select the "Search Single Content Type" tab it provides the option to select the forum(s) to search towards the bottom of the page.
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