Advanced Pricing using Formula


Hi All,

I am trying to use a formula to create a surcharge on top of a base price. I create advanced pricing name called SURCHARGE.
The calculation of surcharge is 17.87-20=-2.08. As long as the calculation returns a negative there price adjustment should stop. If it cannot stop,
it should write as zero. But if it positive, then the number will be apply as surcharge.
Is there a way to do this. I am using World A9.2

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Can you try by using Min Function from Row Exit?
I am not sure if it is available in World.

I need to add on how i do the above.
I have created a price adjustment called FMMTSCGPD. It is calculated based on AAPD - UP001 * 1.17
If the value returns is negative, i would like the adjustment to write 0. If value is positive, accept the value.
AAPD is a variable table that is updated on monthly basis. UP001 is also a variable table that contains fixed amount.

Any one has any ideas?
can you try by below formula?

in x you can define formula for variable table calculation.
in x value is -1
you will get 0

if it is 3
you will get 3

i have not tested it & I am not sure if function functionality is available in World.

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