Advanced pricing on Sales Prices with Price Overrides Question?



Well Known Member
Hi List,

I would like to get your input on the following issue that we have with Sales Orders. I may already know the answer but any additional input is welcome.

We have item with a price list (in F4106) and with some Advanced pricing setup made to this item in order to apply discount on a sales orders. But we have a problem when we do a Sales Order (P4210), when the user override the price, the advanced pricing/discount aren't applied because field PROV(Price override) is at 1. with consequences the users are really upset that they don't get the discount.

Am I missing something? Is there a way with a price override to still apply the advanced pricing rules?



8.10 SP4, AS/400
Hi Eric

No.... as soon as you enter a Price on the Sales Order Line, you will set the PROV flag and lose the Advanced Pricing Elements....

One way to do this and preserve the Advance Pricing Elements is to create a new Price Adjustment that the Order entry person can enter a value into.

You set this Adjustment up accordingly.... eg as an additional discount, as an override, etc....


Hi Eric,

The way to get around this is to use a “manual” adjustment e.g. go into adjustment screen and enter the adjustment. I’ve used this a few times in the part for things such as negotiated discount.

If you set the price as you stated it sets SDPROV=1 which means all pricing and perhaps more importantly repricing is prevented and as such I would try and dissuade you from “fiddling” with this flag.

I bet that these comments do not come as a surprise

Warm regards


1 more reply. Our users would run into this also (though of course the system just 'lost' the advanced pricing). Couldn't seem to understand that the system can't guess how to reallocate the pricing if they just enter a total. My solution was to modify P4210 such that the Unit Price field is disabled from changes if Advanced Pricing entries exist. That forces them to make adjustments/changes on the Adv Pricing screen.

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