Adobe Acrobat Hangs in W2K TSE


We have two Windows 2000 Terminal Servers. Each server has Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 installed. If someone opens a PDF and prints it, Adobe Acrobat Reader hangs when the close the document for about two minutes, and then it responds.

Has anyone else experienced such behavior? I have contacted Adobe support, but their help was worthless.

I have the same symptom with Window$ Terminal Server 4.0 (sp 6) and Adobe Acrobat 4.0, we deattach those printer shared as "Windows shared" and change for HP JetDirect or PrintServers and the time now is 10 second in close Adobe

Xe, SP 16.1, update 3, SQL7 (sp3)
Thanks. I tested this today and our close time was also reduced to about 10 seconds.

Currently, we do not have corporate printers setup in JDE. I am thinking about setting them up so they can print from within JDE without viewing the PDF. But then you have the problem of them wasting paper if they are not looking at the PDF and something is wrong with the PDF.

What I could do is have them view the PDF, but if they want to print the PDF, then print it to their printer in JDE, as opposed to printing through Adobe.
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