E9.2 Address Book Security - Category Code 06 "File can not be accessed"



I'm new to JDELIST and am looking for some assistance.

I have a user (E1 TR that cannot enter a value either manually or using a drop down menu in the P01012|W01012A, Category Code 06. The error message is that the "File can not be accessed". I've confirmed that the role assigned to the user has full access to the Address Book (P01012|W01012A), except sensitive data fields (TaxID, DOB, etc..). There is no column or row security on the AC06 alias, thinking this may be a data issue. I'm lost as to what else this could be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Scott, and welcome to JDEList. Maybe check to see if there is row security applied to the Business Unit (alias MCU). Refer to Oracle Doc ID 2849472.1 for additional info.
Hi Don, thanks your note. I reviewed the document and confirmed that there is no row security at the BU level (MCU). I will continue to look into this issue. Any other suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

I'm new to JDELIST and am looking for some assistance.

I have a user (E1 TR that cannot enter a value either manually or using a drop down menu in the P01012|W01012A, Category Code 06. The error message is that the "File can not be accessed". I've confirmed that the role assigned to the user has full access to the Address Book (P01012|W01012A), except sensitive data fields (TaxID, DOB, etc..). There is no column or row security on the AC06 alias, thinking this may be a data issue. I'm lost as to what else this could be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Hi Scott,

A couple of questions. Can this problem be reproduced in your test or CRP system? Can you get a log of the problem that shows what is happening when the error occurs?
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