Accept package no admin rights


Well Known Member
As a policy our users do not have local admin rights to their pc's. We have a few users that have fat clients that we were able to get running without local admin rights. However, when we deploy a package to these machines, the users are unable to accept them when logging into the system, they get a message saying you need to be an administrator to accept packages. Is there any way around this? eg. Granting access to certain reg keys or files? We are running E1 8.12.


Ummm, isn't 8.12 supposed to be a web based version? users are supposed to use the web client, not the fat client. 8.10 was the last release for users to use terminal servers or fat clients. The only reason why developers need a fat client is that the legacy of the development tools is oriented toward PCs and MS C++, not straight java development. (That's coming) Developers should have admin access to their PCs. Straight up users should not. If you have users using a fat client for anything other than development, you are not using the application as designed and will not get very far in pleading your case to Oracle support.

Out straight up users don't use the fat clients. These people are developing but don't have admin rights.
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