
  1. Use Role Security to control G/L Access

    I want to use ROLE security to control access to companies in the G/L. Essentially, I have a ROLE that I will apply ROW security to restricting access to ONLY one company. I will then assign this ROLE to all users in that company. This should restrict that user to only being able to see/edit...
  2. E1 Security - Differentiate between terminated and disabled users

    The UDC 98/EN controls the ESUSER flag on the F98OWSEC table. out of the box it has 2 values =01 (user enabled) and 02 (user disabled). My client wants to have a third option 03 (user terminated). If you modify the profile to 03, the user can still sign on. All 4 BSFN's (NY5A*) researched...
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