E8.12 Linking dates from PO actual Dock Date and SO actual Promise Date.


Hello. I’m wondering if it’s possible to automatically update the SO Actual Promise date based on the Actual Dock Date of the Purchase order linked to that SO? We spending so much time manually updating these dates. Even on our EDI suppliers that auto confirm we have no link back to the SO or work order if one has been created. Would save us so much time. Any suggestions?
This is an excellent scenario for using an Orchestration to take the actual dock date and then update the SO.
Avgirl are you on 8.12 as the post is tagged?

If you're not on a version with orchestration (and ideally, form extensions+logic extensions) your options involve program customization, scheduled update reports (UBE), and only at last resort, running a scheduled sql fix or table trigger.

The lowest cost solution earlier than orchestrator would probably be a "Promise Date / Dock Date Sync" UBE that is run on a scheduler.
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